We search for unique places for film and photo production, we also provide all related sevices and managment.

We search for unique places for film and photo production, we also provide all related sevices and managment.

In addition, we perform photographic and film materials that are used in keying subsequent post-production.

Our activities in location scouting and management:


At the very beginning, we carefully analyse the scenario and guidelines for the nature of this place.

After a detailed consultation, we present suggestions of film locations tailored to the production budget. We suggest location from our database or we offer finding a completely new one.

After preliminary arrangements we visit selected location in person. There, we conduct a local interview to determine any unforeseen circumstances. We create documentation of the set, measure the chosen place and create its situational plan based on aerial photographs.

Next step is to take detailed photos from different orbits, perspectives and distances, creating a virtual tour of the site exploration. We take pictures at different times of the day and use variety of focal length lenses depending on the given guidelines. That is how first test shots are done.

Throughout the process of location scouting realisation we make audio recordings of the place in order to show all possibilities of this location. We create documentation in audio, photo and video.


When the place is selected we obtain all required permits for filming and we negotiate related fees. We organise appropriate solutions for traffic and road control requirements.


We offer our assistance in organizing insurance and security of film sets, equipment, cast and the whole crew.


We guarantee full site management and service. We take into account the number of film crew on the site, the possibility of accommodation, parking lots and best access roads. We verify the required support for the police, medical services and fire brigade and to secure the plan.


Logistically, we adjust the film camp to the set, considering all the essential needs of the cast and crew. We provide all support needed until the end of production.

Our presentations of film location is fully comprehensive. Detailed, well-dimensioned and described visualizations allow for easy and quick production activities planning. As a result it saves time and money.

Below presentations of film locations are only a brief insight of our projects and are made from backstage materials. It is impossible to present the entire archive we have.

Sioux City, Gran Canaria, Spain

Sioux City, Gran Canaria, Spain

Gran Canaria, Spain

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A unique film set for the production of films, commercials, music videos or smaller photo sessions. Here you will not find the scenery made of polystyrene, cardboard or other artificial materials! The whole city of Sioux City on the island of Gran Canaria is real! The buildings are made of stone, wood and metal. Interiors are imitated in their original form, as our ancestors lived in the Wild West. The Saloon, the sheriff's centre, a prison, a school, a stable, a blacksmith's workshop, small shops, the church, cemetery or Indian settlement are realistically copied places. You can enter all of them, sit down here and feel like Clint Eastwood. The town was created in 1971 as a movie set. The scenery was not chosen by accident, the cactus-covered mountains area looks exactly the same as those in deep Texas, California and New Mexico. And as the Canary Islands belong to Spain, you don't have to go overseas to create realistic and real frames in your advertising or music video. Sioux City, due to the fact, that it runs an amusement park for tourists on a daily basis, has a budget for the renovation and maintenance of priceless set designs. They all can be used with the appropriate permits. Here, you can hire professional actors, dancers and stuntmen ready to perform in your productions. You can use their realistic costumes, firearms, a trained herd of horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, Canary goats, chickens and many more. You have everything in one place! The climate of the Canary Islands allows you to take pictures throughout the year. It is also a very surprising location to make an event or celebration. It is worth noting that wild west towns were also created in other European countries. However, none of them reflects the realism and truthfulness of Sioux City in Gran Canaria.

Pienza, Tuscany, Italy


Tuscany, Italy

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Among the picturesque hills of arable fields and meadows, changing their colors several times a year, there is the pearl of Tuscany - Pienza. This is a magical and unique place for a film location. It has got an unlimited potential, which is used in film and advertising screenplays, TV productions and photo sessions. This place is really delightful. It is on the ‘must have’ list of every professional photographer or filmmaker. In addition to the unique and wonderful views of the surrounding Val d'Orcia, this tiny town provides amazing experience and fantastic film frames. At every step, the walls of the town hide small alleys smelling of flowers, aromatic wine and sheep's cheese. Here you can see ubiquitous roses growing up the old walls of the buildings, seniors sitting on chairs in front of their houses and lazy cats basking in the sun. All this makes you leave this unique place and community with longing and sadness. The areas here are highlands. The buildings have been preserved almost as in the Renaissance. Because of the location in the valley and due to large temperature differences, early mornings in the spring and autumn seasons often have fog here, which contribute to the use of Pienza in many scenarios. Compared to other Tuscan towns, Pienza is distinguished by its unusual order. Streets, squares and buildings go together perfectly and harmonize with each other, creating this charming place unique. Pienza is located halfway between Montepulciano and San Quirico val d'Orcia. These surroundings were chosen as the film location in the production of some scenes of the film ‘Gladiator’, directed by Ridley Scott, where Russell Crowe plays the main role. We present the exact location of these scenes in another material that you will find on our website.

Winding Roads, Gran Canaria, Spain, Gran Canaria, Spain

Winding Roads

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Grand Canaria (Wysypy Kanaryjskie) jest określana najczęściej jako "kontynent w pigułce".­­­­­ Każda strona Grand Canarii oferuje coś innego i tak mocno kontrastującego od krajobrazu po przeciwległej stronie wyspy, że czasami sami sobie zadajemy pytanie, czy to nadal ta sama wyspa? W poszukiwaniu ,,krętych dróg‘’ na Grand Canarii, z naszych materiałów backstage’owych, stworzyliśmy ,,krótki filmik”, który przedstawia różnorodność i bogactwo plenerów wyspy. Dlaczego ,,kręte drogi”? W produkcji filmowej, reklamowej, telewizyjnej czy nawet w fabułach książek to właśnie one są na pierwszym miejscu jeśli chodzi o lokację. Połączenie tych dwóch słów brzmi jak stara zdarta płyta! Ale skoro ,,płyta” jest już tak mocno zdarta od odtwarzania, to na pewno oznacza, że jest bardzo dobra i chętnie do niej wracamy! Zresztą nic dziwnego! Droga może symbolizować: powołanie, sposób rozwiązywania jakichś kwestii, codzienny rytm życia, duchową formację, dosłownie drogę, którą musimy przebyć do pracy, szkoły, do domu itp., może też symbolizować osobiste zmagania. Zastosowanie drogi w scenariuszach filmowych i reklamowych jest nieograniczone. A jeżeli potrzebujesz ,,krętych dróg”, nie ma lepszego miejsca od Gran Canarii. Owszem, piękne malownicze drogi znajdziemy na Sycylii, w Toskanii, Monaco, w Ligurii, całej Skandynawii, Rumuni, Chorwacji i wielu innych krajach.

Ale co sprawia, że Grand Canaria jest tym wyjątkowym miejscem?

Po pierwsze - pogoda - przez okrągły rok na wyspie panuje "późna wiosna", średnia temperatura to 24 st. C. Latem upały nie są mordercze, bo wyspę chłodzi Atlantyk. Zimą bywa, że temperatura spada do 15 st. C, ale są to rzadkie przypadki. Dlatego realizację zdjęć można przeprowadzić kiedy tylko zapragniesz, na przykład w środku zimy, kiedy w centralnej Europie zalegają zaspy śniegu. W przypadku potrzeby wykonania dubli, lub dodatkowych ujęć masz gwarancję, że na wyspie otoczenie plenerów nie zmieni się, a dodatkowe sceny będą miały spójność z wykonanym wcześniej materiałem filmowym.

Po drugie - odległość i lokalizacja – mimo, że Gran Canaria leży nieopodal Afryki, należy do Hiszpanii. Telefon komórkowy i Internet ma zasięg w każdym rejonie wyspy! Jest tu bogata infrastruktura i zaplecze logistyczne. Czas podróży samolotem to przykładowo: 5h 00min. z Berlina, 4h 10min. z Londynu i 3h 57min. z Paryża.

Po trzecie - różnorodność krajobrazu. Powierzchnia tej okrągłej wyspy wynosi 1600 km², a szerokość 47 km. Pomimo niewielkiego obszaru, każdy rejon oferuje kontrastujące ze sobą plenery. Zachwycająca jest tu zielona bujna roślinność z wiecznie kwitnącymi kwiatami i iglastymi drzewami, górzyste tereny, krater wulkanu, wyschnięte na pieprz piaski i skały o różnych kolorach, ostre zakręty nad wysokimi przepaściami, nizinne tereny przy samym wybrzeżu oceanu porośnięte palmami, słoneczne błękitne niebo, dramatyczne gęste mgły, które można ciąć nożem i wiele, wiele innych wspaniałości. Jedynym ograniczeniem jest śnieg! Tutaj faktycznie tego nie znajdziesz, jednak nasza firma pod kątem zimowych dróg ma również bardzo bogatą ofertę w innych rejonach Europy. Dodatkowym atutem jest bliskość wysp, takich jak Teneryfa, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera i Lanzarote. Przeprawy pomiędzy wyspami są szybkie, a na każdej z innych wysp można znaleźć kolejne ciekawe propozycje do zastosowania w scenariuszach filmowych. Jednak królową wysp jest Grand Canaria, ze swoją stolicą w Las Palmas, największym miastem Wysp Kanaryjskich, z najbardziej rozwiniętą infrastrukturą oraz życiem kulturalnym. Zastosowanie plenerów i lokacji wszystkich wysp kanaryjskich oraz ich wszechstronność daje nieograniczone możliwości.

Logas Beach - Sunset Beach, Peroulades, Corfu, Greece

Logas Beach - Sunset Beach

Corfu, Greece

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Logas Beach, also known as Sunset Beach, is located in the small town of Peroulades, located in the northwest of Corfu. This is an interesting film location proposition for film, television, advertising and photo session. The view of the steep cliffs makes an amazing impression. Concrete stairs lead to a small sandy beach. Standing under the cliff you can feel the enormity of this rock wall. The beach itself is small and quite narrow, sometimes washed up by the larger waves of the sea. The best time to take pictures is in the afternoon until late evening. At the end of the day, the high cliffs are illuminated by the setting sun, which is hidden behind the islands of Diaponida and the Ionian Sea. Before noon, the beach and slopes are shaded. At the top of the mountain there is a large parking lot and a restaurant called 7th Heaven, maintained in a typical Greek style. Its gardens and interiors can also be used to implement many scenarios, as well as logistical support for film production.

Vineyards, Eisenberg, Germany


Eisenberg, Germany

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A unique film location of the vineyard area can be presented in Eisenberg, the Pfalz region in Germany. It is a place located in the vicinity of Deutche Winesstrase, an agricultural area with deep wine-making traditions. It is an upland terrain. Its wide tracts of land are endless vineyards, run by the hosts with the extreme utmost care. Between the vineyards there are narrow winding paths which give this place majesty and mystery. There is the German order everywhere. Each piece of land is used for cultivation, if not vines, then other crops. The small villages among these fields are very picturesque. Accurate housing development and German architecture offer many opportunities for photo sets. The inhabitants are closely related to agriculture and wine making, which can be seen at every turn. Between the houses they form gates from vines, they put wine barrels, wine coats of arms and wine ornaments in front of their homes. The atmosphere of the place is very idyllic, calm and romantic.

Local German vineyards are phenomenal places for interesting scenarios. The Pfalz region has its unique character and can easily be compared with the wine regions of France, Italy, Spain or Croatia.

Road GC 210, Gran Canaria, Spain

Road GC 210

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Located on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), the famous GC-210 road is the perfect film location for film, television, advertising and photo sessions. No wonder that the creators of the film "Fast & Furious 6", directed by Justin Lin from 2013, decided to shoot the scenes right here. It is said that this is the most dangerous road on the island, and the surrounding scenery can be used in many film scenarios, especially American productions. A 34.4 km long narrow and steep route can humble more than one experienced driver, and passengers suffering from fear of heights close their eyes, scream or cry in terror. Certainly this is not a way for sissies, and begginer drivers should avoid it from a distance. In the film and advertising industry, the task of finding "winding roads" is a standard task for a scout location manager. Such roads are used in numerous scenarios. We have already seen thousands of sharp turns over the precipice in our work. However, the road GC-210 has become our favorite film location and despite of our experience, it has offered us a large dose of adventure. Imagine dropping a long piece of cooked spaghetti to the floor. The pattern it creates looks more or less like the road GC-210. These extremely difficult road conditions cause frying brake pads in your car and the engine temperature rises to the maximum. The road covers hundreds of corners, and after a few kilometers, you feel pain in your hands caused by the constant steering wheel work. There is no place for error on this road, avalanches and landslides can occur at any time. In this region of the island there are unpredictable rainfalls and strong winds. A wet asphalt road over a high cliff makes adult men cry like a child. There is an unwritten rule on the entire stretch of the road, when you get close to each turn you use the horn so that the car from the opposite direction can react earlier. Due to the exceptional difficulty of the route, traffic is rather minimal, but you can easily meet local cars on this narrow road here. In this case one of the drivers must go in reverse to the nearest wider flat ledge of rock, where touching car mirrors there is a chance to pass by. Sometimes it is a distance of several kilometers. If you are looking for a unique road for your film or advertising script surrounded by picturesque mountain landscapes, the GC-210 road is perfect and, apart from the wonderful photographic frames, it is a great challenge and provides a large dose of adrenaline.

Samnaun, Switzerland


Samnaun, Switzerland

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We present our suggestion for film locations Silvretta Arena Samnaun / Ischgl which is the largest ski region in the Eastern Alps.

The combination of two Samnaun centers on the Swiss side and Ischgl in Austria has created ideal conditions for access to endless spaces among three-thousanders. The world's first two-story cabin cableway is a unique background for all kinds of movie scenes and photo sessions. There is also a parallel technical cableway to transport the necessary film equipment to the top of the mountains. The logistics facilities of the center are at the highest world level. Samnaun/Ischgl measures over 239 kilometers of the best prepared slopes and endless terrains with deep snow, which make free ride hearts beat faster. It is worth emphasizing that carving was born in Samnaun. The bottom station is located at an altitude of 1350m above sea level. The highest peak where you can get by train is 2872m above sea level. The whole resort also offers three fun parks. On sunny days you can see that the magnificent landscape of the Verwall, Samnaun and Silvretta massifs reaches up to the Otztal Alps. An additional advantage of the Samnaun center is the famous smugglers route, which can be used to build unique storytelling. Before 1964, when the first cable car was built, the entire region belonged to the poorest, pastoral villages in Tyrol. And the main occupation of the inhabitants was smuggling. In the local chronicles you can find records that in some past years, all the men from the valley were involved in smuggling. They mainly transported butter, cheese and leather from Austria to Switzerland. On the way back, however, they carried everything that was lacking in Austria, e.g. coffee, rice, flour, tobacco, saccharin and spices. In the post-war years, American nylon stockings were also popular. The goods were smuggled only from Switzerland because during the war it was a neutral and prosperous country with all goods. Austria was, however, under the occupation of the four victorious powers. Smuggling activities was hard physical work. A backpack with a load weighed about 30 kilograms and often 50 kilograms were carried across the border. The only chance to slip through the borders unnoticed was only in bad weather and poor visibility. It took about 10 hours to cover the route, where 7 hours walked the highest peaks. To commemorate the smuggling past of the town, three routes have been created allowing to get from Austria to Switzerland where there is still a duty-free zone where you can find many shops with very attractive prices. However, you have to remember that on the route you can meet customs officers who look into backpacks, so we do not recommend too much "empathizing" with the role of smugglers.

Burano, Italy


Burano, Italy

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Burano is an island located 7km from Venice on the Venetian Lagoon. The island is inhabited by small fishermen, once the island was famous for the production of lace.

The uniqueness of the Burano film location is the amazing architecture colours. The intense colours of fishing houses came from the ingenuity of the inhabitants. Weather conditions on the lagoon are not easy, in the autumn and winter there is very dense fog. Fishermen, in order to make their return home easiers in difficult weather conditions, painted their homes with various very intense colours that helped them locate their position. Currently, the permission of the city authorities is required for painting a house on the island of Burano. It is important that the colour does not repeat. Water channels on which everyday life goes on add variety to the colours of the houses - this maintains the uniqueness of this place. Burano is a big tourist attraction, which makes it difficult to implement film projects during the summer season, but this is only about the center and a few channels nearby. If we go deeper into the island and get to its back, we can feel the smell of home-made dinners and meet fishermen repairing nets or boats. The best solution is renting a speedboat, but this is a problem in Venice in terms of availability, we can rent a boat with a helmsman, but prices for tourists apply. The easiest way is to reach Treporti and then rent the right watercraft in Marina Fiorita - here the prices are reasonable. We have a water route from Marina Fiorita to Burano which takes about 15 minutes. This solution gives us a lot of freedom, we can sail all around Burano or through the channels choosing the best place for film or photo projects. Transporting film equipment to the island is not bothersome. Particular attention should be paid to the excellent scenery of small industrial shipyards, unique water garages for boats, interesting charming places where old vessels and quays moor, which can be fantastic film sets. First of all, we can observe the life of the inhabitants, natural and real. And this all is in a beautiful background saturated with sharp colors. This movie location is unique and one of a kind. Currently, the island of Burano inspires many artists, and few buy houses here.

Coral Reef, Soma Bay, Egypt

Coral Reef

Soma Bay, Egypt

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The coral reef in Soma Bay is the perfect place as a film location for a film set in film, television or photo shoot. The underwater life of the Red Sea can be briefly described as beautiful underwater coral gardens and a great variety of fish. The Egyptian Riviera is known for hundreds of coral reefs available for both beginners and experienced divers. These reefs with beautiful flora and fauna are accessible both from the shore and from boats. There are over 90 shipwrecks at the bottom of the Red Sea here. A 500-meter-long wooden pier leads to one of these reefs. At the end of the pier you can comfortably go down to the deep sea. 50 m before the end of the pier there is an additional descent down into shallow water (1.5 m). Surrounding of the bay's waters allows you to dive safely without encountering sharks, and the transparency of the water reaches 20 meters. The variety of fish is unique, which, combined with the azure colour of the Red Sea, gives you unlimited possibilities to realize many film and advertising screenplays. About 700 meters deep into the sea is another unique scenery of Tobia Arba Seven Pillars. These are seven natural pillars of the coral reef building the impression of a sunken city.

In February, the air temperature in the day is around 25 degrees C and the sea water temperature is around 22 degrees C, August is the warmest month and the air temperature is between 30 and 35 degrees C, while the water temperature is over 35 degrees C. The humidity is very low and rainfall is very rare. Thanks to such weather conditions, film production or photo session can be carried out in all seasons. Logistics facilities, rental of diving equipment and the care of qualified diving instructors can be provided by a large network of Orca Dive Club diving schools. In the same place there is a five-star hotel of the American Sheraton Soma Bay chain, which has 326 comfortable rooms where you can accommodate a large film crew. The whole area is very clean and tidy. The biggest advantage of the local film location is the fact that the city, despite the luxurious offer, is not popular among tourists. Most of the guests staying at the resort come from the Middle East. The organization of the film set allows you to work in peace and quiet without large crowds that can be found in more popular cities of Egypt.

Playa de Veneguera, Gran Canaria, Spain

Playa de Veneguera

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Canary Islands offer a number of wild and almost unpolluted beaches. There are about 80 of them on the whole island. It's the perfect place for film locations in film, television, advertising productions and smaller photo sessions. These are relatively hard to reach places and known just among the locals. They are not a point of visit for classic tourists. That is why these types of beaches are ideal to incorporate them into many film and advertising scenarios. During our search, we have prepared backstage film material to bring you closer the idea of ​​what our search for unique locations looks like and what we can offer to your productions. One of many such places is the beach in Playa de Veneguera, located in the gorge of the same name. From the picturesque and scenic GC-200 road, take the narrow gravel-stony road formed in the dry riverbed. The road from the very beginning does not look encouraging. Off-road cars (4x4s) are useful to defeat it. The one-lane road in the first part winds between bananas, papaya and mangoes plantations. Going further, the road narrows even more and we travel in the throat of the ravine with high mountains and growing palm trees. We are surrounded by large boulders and lush flora. Almost 10 km of the way resembles breaking through the bush. Travelling at an average speed of about 15km/h you try not to damage the vehicle. That is why it gives the impression of a distant and extreme trip. At the very end of the road, the climate begins to change and it looks like the remote corners of the Sahara. Finally, after reaching the destination, our wide pebbly beach awaits, surrounded by high cliffs on both sides. There is peace and you can hear only the soothing sound of the sea. This unique place can be used in many film and advertising scenarios. The advantage of the beach is that it is isolated, uninhabited and quiet, and its views are fascinating.

Mayor Pelekas Monastery, Corfu, Greece

Mayor Pelekas Monastery

Corfu, Greece

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This is how you can describe the rare virgin beaches in popular destinations - the island of Corfu in Greece. Finding a wild sandy beach covered with lush vegetation is not an easy task, and adding to this the azure color of the sea and rocky islets without any buildings makes such places an exception. Our film location is able to cope with many screenplays in film, television and advertising production. This place is known only among the locals as a beach where you can sunbathe topless. Sunlight allows you to take pictures from early morning to sunset. There are no buildings in the nearest surroundings. The beach is partly accessible by an asphalt road leading to small parking lots in the forest above. The rest of the road must be walked on foot about 100m. Nearby you can also find a modest fishing port for several boats, and another access to the beach is from the sea. The biggest advantage of this location is the 300-star Mayor Pelekas Monastery, located about 300m from the beach, with 189 rooms and able to accommodate a large film crew.

Maspalomas Dunes, Gran Canaria, Spain

Maspalomas Dunes

Gran Canaria, Spain

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How do you take photos in the desert and the beautiful sun without leaving Europe? One of its kind in the world, Gran Canaria and the famous MASPALOMAS DUNES offer such a place. It is an ideal location for film, television, advertising or smaller photo shoots. The first association, looking at the map, brings us the thought that the local dunes were formed by wind-blown sand from nearby Sahara. Admittedly, the distance across the ocean to the Sahara coastline is about 250km. In fact, the dunes in Maspalomas arose from limestone sand, corals and shells carried by the sea. There are many movie scenes here, and the dunes themselves are the showcase of Gran Canaria. The gigantic space covered with golden sand looks amazing. The highest sandy mountains reach up to 20m. The advantage of this place is the ability to take pictures throughout the year. And in terms of logistics, in the immediate vicinity there are a number of hotels where you can accommodate a large film crew. We recommend the Riu Palace Maspalomas hotel, which is located close to the entrance to the dunes.

Santorini, Greece


Santorini, Greece

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The picturesque island of Santorini has always attracted photographers and filmmakers from around the world. The image of this Greek island is used in all postcards and tourist souvenirs. It is located at the southern end of the Cycladic archipelago. The island is a rocky remains of a volcanic eruption. The climate here is typically Mediterranean, with northern winds soothing high temperatures. Santorini impresses with its unique landscapes and unusual sunsets. Red high cliffs, vast black beaches and beautiful blue sea are the hallmarks of Santorini. In combination with the small-town architecture of houses and temples built on sharp mountain slopes, stuck in tight cascade buildings, it is an ideal film location for all types of film, television, advertising or smaller photo sessions.

In all Greek towns we can admire white houses, chapels, churches with blue shutters and doors and roofs in the shape of a dome. Interestingly, the style common to the whole island was not created to delight visitors. It is a unique combination of functionality and aesthetics. White colour reflects the sun and protects buildings from overheating, while blue colour repels insects. These practical reasons have made the island attractive and known around the world. Many stars fell in love with Santorini while filming or making photo sessions so much that some of them spend their private holidays here.

Film producers of Hollywood productions have repeatedly decided to make films in the Cyclades. Films such as "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants " and "Tomb Raider" with Angelina Jolie were shot here. Stars usually stay at the famous Vedema Resort Santorini, which guarantees its guests total privacy. The guests of the hotel were Tom Cruise, Robert De Niro, Lady Gaga, Naomi Campbell, Rihanna, and Beyonce, who had spent time there on the occasion of the photo session. Arab sheikhs, businessmen and sports stars stay at the luxury Volcano View Hotel. The popular Kardashian reality show was also shot on the island. The island of Santorini, even in times of great crisis and bankruptcy all over Greece, has always been synonymous with luxury and the centre of entertainment. On the one hand, it is extremely traditional and picturesque, on the other, cosmopolitan and shiny in the rays of the sun.

Venice, Italy


Venice, Italy

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Venice is a well-known tourist and cultural centre. Due to its architecture and unusual location it is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is considered Italy's most popular tourist destination. Every year in Venice, the international film festival "Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia" is held, which is probably the oldest event in the world. The festival was founded in 1932. It currently takes place on the island of Lido near the historic centre of Venice. We do not need to convince anyone that Venice is an infinite topic for a film location. Although filming in Venice is a really difficult task, the films of all genres have been made here - from a comedy to a horror. Films with Venice in the background are for example, "Casino Royal" from 2006, "The Tourist" 2010, "The Italian Job" 2003, "Casanova" 2005, "Morte a Venezia" 1971, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" 1989 and many others. All the productions that were created here only increase the prestige of this place. It is an honor and challenge to make a film production in Venice.

Portofino, Italy


Portofino, Italy

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Why is Portofino in Italy still a perfect movie location for taking pictures in film, television and advertising production? Portofino is one of the most famous Ligurian towns. It became famous thanks to the beautiful song "Love in Portofino" by Fred Buscaglione, also performed by Andrea Bocelli. Undoubtedly, the reason for Portofino's publicity was the scenes of the legendary soap opera "The Bold and the Beautiful" which were shot here. Microscopic Portofino was once a modest fishing village. Now it is a synonymous with elegance and luxury. This is a place, where the most expensive yachts moor in a small port, and sumptuous cocktail parties take place in the season. To this day, the huge wealth and shops of the most expensive brands are at odds with the inconspicuous nature of the area. Portofino existed in Roman times. Simple fishermen inhabited the hard-to-reach town, who built colourful houses around the spacious square. Today there are boutiques of the most expensive designers and an exclusive restaurant. One of them is the restaurant "La Tareza" - in the 1950s and 1960s visited by the greatest Hollywood stars, intellectuals, aristocracy, artists and the richest people of the world who call Portofino the most beautiful port in the Mediterranean. There is the ubiquitous lush greenery and rocky cliffs all around. The Ligurian Sea has an unusual azure-turquoise colour, in which pastel houses are reflected. It is typical of the entire Ligurian coast. Around the small center there are numerous rich houses and villas. That is why Portofino is an ideal location suited to many film and advertising scenarios.

EL Lomo, Gran Canaria, Spain

EL Lomo

Gran Canaria, Spain

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EL Lomo is located near Los Caserones. A breathtaking place in terms of landscape. A small charming town with its own beach, cove and modest harbor. A long line of cliffs rises vertically from the sea shore, almost a thousand meters high, creating a stunning landscape. That is why El Lomo is a great movie location. From this place, the view stretches exceptionally picturesque on the town and port and tight cliffs. This location is quite accessible, although the driveway can be frightening. The place itself is wide and relatively flat. You can easily fit film equipment and technical facilities. This place looks majestic at different times of the day.

Lake Garda, Italy

Lake Garda

Lake Garda, Italy

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Lake Garda is the cleanest and largest lake located in northern Italy, halfway between Venice and Milan, surrounded by the peaks of Prealpi Gardesane, near the mountain groups Alpi dell'Adamello e della Presanella, Dolomiti di Brenta, Dolomiti di Fiemme and Prealpi Vicentine. The lake lies within the 3 provinces of Italy: Trento, Verona and Brescia. The dimensions of the lake, i.e. an impressive length of 55 km and a width of about 12 km along with an interesting environment along the shoreline and with an amazing diversity of terrain make a huge impression. The uniqueness of this place is confirmed by the fact that this place has repeatedly found recognition in cinematography, photography and advertising. It is impossible to list all the productions, but due to the impressive budget one is worth mentioning – it is the film "Quantum of Solace", agent 007 (production cost $ 224.87 million). Daring chase scenes were shot at Lake Garda. Filmmakers drew attention to the unique tunnels and roads here. However, it is not the most important what film productions were made here and what is the history and geographical condition of Lake Garda. The phenomenon of Garda's film location are its inexhaustible possibilities.

It can be said that this place has already been highly depleted and it is very obvious in the film industry. The biggest fashion and automotive brands have already made their photo sessions here and many commercials have been shot here. However, one should consider the fact that thanks to these productions, Garda has gained prestige. Another cover of a good magazine with Garda in the background evokes respect and recognition. In this situation, Garda sets new requirements for new film and photo productions. Due to earlier productions, competition is born, and thus, there are more and more challenges for subsequent productions as well as for scout locations.

Lake Garda can easily be described as an infinite possibilities for film purposes. Its breathtaking landscapes, amazing rocks immersed in the lake or various beaches, small ports, marinas and coves are constantly inspiring new projects. Architecture directly above the water, huge cliffs, wild places and heavily built-up towns create wonderful contrasts that fit into the beautiful distant landscape of the mountains with an amazing perspective of the abyss. Each project created in a previously used place will be different anyway, because it will be made from a different shot, at a different time, day or night, and this will make it unique and delightful. Lake Garda is still a serious endless challenge for filmmakers.

Kinderdijk, the Netherlands


Kinderdijk, the Netherlands

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Fifteen kilometers from Rotterdam there is the picturesque village of Kinderdijk. Its uniqueness in terms of windmills can be a film location for many film, television and advertising scenarios. It is also a very attractive outdoor setting for a smaller photo session. The Netherlands has always suffered from land descent and problems with flooding. To deal with this, the Dutch created water channels. That is why in the 13th century a large canal (weteringen) was built here. However, it soon became apparent that the channel itself was not enough, and transporting and regulating the water level on flat ground was very difficult. Then it was decided to build windmills. Large stone and wood constructions were built in 1740. Nineteen of them have survived to this day. Each of the windmills is inhabited, and one of them can be visited by tourists. You can walk or ride bicycles along the canal and you can also cross it by boat. The place is very charming and peaceful, overgrown with lush flora. Blooming flowers, small wooden piers, moored boats surrounded by historic buildings give this place unlimited possibilities to put many advertising scenarios into practice.

Ice Q Restaurant, Solden, Tirol, Austria

Ice Q Restaurant

Solden, Tirol, Austria

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The film location ICE Q RESTAURANT in Sölden is a unique place for film and television production, photo session or event. The Sölden ski region was chosen by the producers of the James Bond film as the ideal location for the film "Spectre". One of the producers, Gregg Wilson, dreamed of shooting "crazy shots" which are the main action scenes in the film. He wanted them to be "spectacular" and it turned out that Tirol met all the conditions to shoot such scenes. The place is easily accessible, logistics is excellent and the views are delightful. Expenses related to production in Tirol (accommodation, meals, transport, rents, fees and others) were about 8.9 million euro. The shooting time was 31 days long. There were 30,000 people of the cast and crew accomodated in local hotels. The whole project was deeply remembered by the residents of Sölden, and to this day the centre's marketing is fully focused on James Bond. There is the only one of its kind museum called 007 ELEMENTS. It is a world-first cinematic installation dedicated to the world of James Bond. In an area of 1300 square meters, mainly underground, 007 ELEMENTS guides visitors on a journey through a series of high-tech, interactive galleries, each distilling the craft of the signature elements that define a James Bond film — the beautiful title sequences and dramatic scores, the jaw-dropping action sequences, the cars, gadgets and technology, the breath-taking locations and iconic studio sets and lastly, a host of compelling characters.

ICE Q RESTAURANT is the highest restaurant in Austria, 3048 metres above the sea level surrounded by over 250 magnificent peaks with a height of three thousand meters. Snow and Retiefbach and Tiefenbachferner glaciers guarantee white snow and plenty of space for shooting. The restaurant building itself shines like a gem and it is a masterpiece of contemporary architecture. Glass facades and pure steel meets stone and ice. From the beautiful, stylish interior of the restaurant you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the mountains. The entire building occupies 4500 cubic meters, which in architectural terms is not an easy challenge, because the building is built on permafrost. An additional advantage of this location is the highest road in the Alps and a large maneuvering area. Transporting heavy film equipment here is not a problem. You can organize various types of events, e.g. automotive. Therefore, BMW Driving Experiens and other automotive companies are happy to use this place.

Val d'Orcia, Tuscany, Italy

Val d'Orcia

Tuscany, Italy

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All postcards and numerous Tuscan guides are decorated with photos from the Val d'Orcia valley. This region is in the south of Siena, at the foot of the extinct Monte Amiata volcano. Every photographer's dream is to visit this place at least once. Val d'Orcia is one of the most popular Europe's outdoor shooting and unlimited film location used in advertising or television industry and the largest Hollywood film productions. Ridley Scott in his movie "Gladiator", with Russell Crowe in the lead role and with the music of Hans Zimmer made this place popular. The poignant scene of the dying gladiator Maximus, who moves his thoughts in the last moments of his life to the house, where his son and beloved wife are waiting for him, was created here - on the winding road planted with several characteristic cypress trees. To this day, this beautiful area has become an important spot for photographers from all over the world. Some travel agencies have specialized in organizing trips for less or more advanced photographers. There were more film productions which placed Val d'Orcia valley in their significant scenes, such as: "Under the Toscan Sun" (Audrey Wells), "The English Patient" (Anthony Minghella), "Stealing Beauty" (Bernardo Bertolucci), and "La vita è bella "(Robert Benigni)," Quantum of Solace "(Marc Forster)," Hannibal "(Ridley Scott). The list of excellent Hollywood productions is so long that it is impossible to mention them all here. Despite such a huge exploitation of the entire region in terms of film plans, Val d'Orcia still has hundreds of undiscovered corners that can delight while making following commercials and subsequent films.

Düden Waterfalls, Atalaya, Turkey

Düden Waterfalls

Atalaya, Turkey

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The Düden Waterfalls around the city of Antalya in Turkey are the perfect place for a film location for film, television or advertising production. This is the amazing only waterfall in the world flowing directly into the Mediterranean Sea creating a strong noise and a huge splash of water. The current of the river flowing from the nearby Topoca Mountains breaks abruptly on cliffs from a height of 50 meters. In the vicinity of the main waterfall there are several other smaller cascades. The best location for filming waterfalls is from a sea perspective. The waterfalls look much more impressive than from the top of the cliffs where the viewing terraces and nearby buildings are located, which are less attractive in terms of film. Filming from the air is limited due to the proximity of the airport. Renting several motor boats or yachts is not a problem in the region. Turks love motorboat sports, at the same time they have a modern and high-quality fleet. However, the most pleasant part of film productions or photo sessions in this area is the accommodation base. The best five-star hotels in Turkey are located in close proximity to the waterfalls. The quality of service will satisfy the most demanding stars of show business or celebrities, and spending a few nights in them is a greater experience than a waterfall seen from close up. We recommend Titanic Deluxe Golf Belek or Bellis Deluxe Hotel.

Lopesan Meloneras, Golf Course, Gran Canaria, Spain

Lopesan Meloneras, Golf Course

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Designed by Ron Kirby and opened in June 2006, Lopesan Meloneras Golf was the sixth golf course open in Gran Canaria and the first for the Lopesan Hotel Group. The golf course hosted the 2007 PGA Spanish Championships with great success, showing its natural beauty and difficult design to the best Spanish professionals, including Rafa Cabrera Bello and Alvaro Quiros. As a film location, the place has its unique character due to the number of identical palm trees, as well as the location and development of the golf course. The scenery offers unlimited possibilities in terms of film, photographic and inventory production. The golf course offers views of the town of Maspalomas, the yacht port, apartment buildings and the open ocean.

Hotel Mayor Pelekas Monastery, Korfu, Greece

Hotel Mayor Pelekas Monastery, Korfu, Greece

Korfu, Greece

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Hotel Hotel Mayor Pelekas Monastery Resort is the perfect film location for photo sessions, events, as well as television and film production. In a magical location on the outskirts of Agios Gordios, a four-star terrace resort with 353 rooms hidden between the rocks. Built on breathtaking rock, surrounded by greenish landscape and a beach with golden sand and crystal clear water. The whole scenery combined with leafy hills creates a dreamy palette that ends with a romantic landscape. The hotel has 5 restaurants, 3 bars in the hotel, 2 outdoor pools each with a bar and a beach bar. The panoramic view of the Ionian Sea and majestic sunsets are excellent assets of the location for use in many scenarios. The main restaurant has a viewing terrace from which you can see the surrounding rock peninsulas covered with lush flora. The location of the restaurant in an old olive grove on the mountainside is in its typical Greek atmosphere. Downstairs, the hotel has a second restaurant, two bars and a swimming pool. There is a spacious observation deck with sunbeds, umbrellas and sofas. The glass railing does not limit the sea view. The top floor is a bar by a private sandy beach. The whole hotel is clean and well maintained. From each terrace is perfectly visible romantic sunset hiding behind the nearby peninsula. The sunlight of the whole object allows you to take pictures from early morning to sunset. The five-star hotel standard at a very high level will satisfy the most demanding stars of show business and celebrities. An additional advantage of the location are the nearby sandy wild beaches rarely found in such popular destinations as Greece. Their scenery allows you to make photo sessions or film production without capturing undesirable buildings in the frame, and their atmosphere resembles an abandoned paradise. We devoted a separate material to one of these beaches, which you will find on our website.

Chianti, Italy


Chianti, Italy

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Chianti is a wine region in Italy, located in the central part of Tuscany, in six provinces: Florence, Siena, Arezzo, Pisa, Prato and Pistoia. It is officially believed that this is an area located in a triangle delimited by three small Tuscan towns: Radda in Chianti, Gaiole in Chianti and Castellina in Chianti. In addition to wine and picturesque landscapes, Chianti is famous for small but charming towns. In the historical, central part of the land, the most popular of them are: Radda in Chianti, Gaiole in Chianti, Castellina in Chianti, Greve in Chianti, Quercegrossa and Monteriggioni. After expanding the region's borders, within Chianti there were also extremely architecturally attractive: Florence, Montepulciano, San Gimignano, Siena, Volterra. The Tuscan Chanti region is considered one of the best in Italy in terms of unique landscapes. The region is also famous for the world-famous wine Chianti Classico only from the cities of Radda in Chianti, Gaiole in Chianti, Castellina in Chianti. Vineyards can put a characteristic black rooster on the bottles of their wines. This is a distinction, confirming the fact that only these products are unique and date back to the Etruscans.

Chiantigiana is a road about 70 km long, which leads from Florecia to Siena, through hills, vineyards and popular towns of the region. Widely recognized as one of the most picturesque in Italy.

The Chanti region in terms of film location for film, photographic and advertising production is worth special attention. The gently upland area, where vineyards and olive groves stretch, show their uniqueness under the lens frames. Roads winding with a row of cypress trees emphasize the nature of Tuscany. On the hills there are considerable historic estates that function as guesthouses or agritourism places with a strict, unique character, but at the same time meet all the expectations of demanding guests. Here we will not find five-star hotels so there are not many tourists, which allows a lot of freedom in the implementation of film and photo projects.

Soma Bay, Egypt

Soma Bay

Soma Bay, Egypt

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Film location Soma Bay is the perfect place for a film set in film or television production, photo session, event or conference. The Soma Bay resort is surrounded (on its three sides) by the sea and offers one of the most beautiful sandy beaches on the Red Sea. The beaches are planted with tall palm trees, which create a unique and picturesque scenery. Here you will find high mountains on the opposite shore of the bay with beautiful sunsets and a wooden bridge connecting the sandy peninsula of a wild beach, which can be used for many film scenarios. In February, the air temperature in the day is around 25 degrees, and the sea water temperature is around 22 degrees Celsius, August is the warmest month and the air temperature is between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius, while the water temperature is over 35 degrees Celsius. The humidity is very low and rainfall is very rare. Thanks to this, film production or photo session can be made in all seasons. The safety of the bay is supervised by a specially appointed tourist police, which must escort organized groups or trips or accompany them on buses. One road leads to Soma Bay, and armed security forces guard the entry point. The agents in civilian control shopping, entertainment and catering outlets. In addition, each hotel has its own separate security. There are several hotels in Soma Bay. We stayed at the Sheraton Soma Bay Resort. The hotel is architecturally modeled on the Luxor Temple. It offers 326 comfortable rooms and can accommodate a large film crew. It also has conference rooms and is fully adapted to the organization of events and celebrations. A golf course is also nearby. There is All Inclusive Premium standard with bars and restaurants by the pool and on the beach. There is access to fast, wireless Internet throughout the property, including the extensive beach. In close proximity to the hotel there is a small cozy town with a marina, which is an interesting scenery for taking pictures. The whole area is very clean and tidy. The biggest advantage of the film location is the fact that the city, despite the luxurious offer, is not popular among tourists. Most of the guests staying at the resort come from the Middle East. The organization of the film set allows you to work in peace and quiet without the large crowds that can be found in more popular cities of Egypt. The Egyptian Riviera is known for hundreds of coral reefs available for both beginners and experienced divers. These reefs with dreamlike fauna and flora are available both from the shore and from the boat. The underwater life of the Red Sea can be briefly described as beautiful underwater coral gardens. The coral reef ecosystem impresses with its richness of shapes and variety of colors and lots of fish species.

Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre, Italy

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Cinque Terre National Park - there are five picturesque villages here: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore. These towns are unique. They are built on the rocks and they give the impression of hanging buildings on the shores of the Mediterranean. In 1997 they were inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Hardly accessible land side places were cut off from the world until the end of the 19th century, when the construction of the railway line began. Today, this is where a lot of tourists come. Therefore, film works may be difficult during the summer tourist season. However, in winter, spring or late autumn there is no problem with that. The aura of these seasons is conducive to working conditions, and even makes towns more unique and gives them a greater dramaturgy and expression of film grotesque. Getting to these places by car does not cause any problems, however, the lack of parking lots and a large number of narrow serpentine roads leading to these places may raise some concerns. These towns are closed to car traffic and the supply of specialized film equipment is burdensome. You need to obtain permission from the authorities to enter and park delivery vehicles here. There is also a sea road from the nearby port of La Spezja, which allows transport to the center. Although this situation can be discouraging, it is worth to bother for the charming scenery there.

Cinque Terre is the most beautiful part of Italy. It is strange that even the best photographs do not reflect the atmosphere and beauty of these places. You have to be here to feel and appreciate it. A fragment of Liguria, on the famous Italian Riviera, interesting, narrow, winding and very steep streets make a unique atmosphere. The film location in this area is really unique, mainly because of the authenticity of these places. Everywhere, the laundry dries over the heads of passers-by. Closed old shutters shield the interior of the apartments from the strong sun. Due to the fact that all the towns are inhabited by small fishermen, every bit we stumble over their small boats, which are repaired despite the crowds of tourists and stand in these narrow streets. Restaurants and pizzerias also care to maintain this authenticity. People who live there permanently are open, joyful and helpful. It all affects the truth of this place and time seems to have stopped here. A lively and original atmosphere is also created by house-to-house architecture, like lego blocks and this all is fitted in the rocks by the sea. An interesting colour palette of the local buildings is a great background for film and photographic work. Nowadays, there are practically no such places.

Plantacja Finca La Laja, Valle de Agaete, Gran Canaria, Spain

Finca La Laja Plantation, Valle de Agaete

Gran Canaria, Spain

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The Finca La Laja coffee plantation is the only coffee plantation in Europe. The fact is that the Canary Islands belong to Spain and are located in close proximity to Africa near the Tropic of Cancer. Coffee in Valle de Agaete in Gran Canaria is grown in the shade of orange, mango, guava and avocado. Production barely exceeds 1500 kg. The Finca La Laja coffee plantation is a unique place for film location among coffee, tropical and bodega plants in one area. Plants are grown here in the traditional natural method, that is why the plantation gives the impression of a tropical bush. This is where we can see how coffee and its fresh fruits grow on the branches of the coffee trees. Plantation owners make every effort to ensure that coffee grows as in the original or natural surroundings - in contrast to Brazilian plantations, which are run industrially and they look like vineyards or tea fields. Premium coffee, that is for connoisseurs, is searched in the bush, from its true ecosystem. This is what happens in Finca La Laja. The owners roast coffee themselves and at the same time they serve tasting on the spot. They guide around their plantation with great enthusiasm explaining issues related to its cultivation. At the same time, they grow tropical fruit and vineyards. Coffee is a product of first necessity, therefore there is a great demand for interesting advertising projects in film or photography. The Finca La Laja coffee plantation is a place with a wide range of possibilities to realise advertising script about coffee and it will certainly work in film production.

Galtur, Tyrol, Austria


Tyrol, Austria

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We present the Alpine village of Galtür as our proposition for a film location. The village is located in the heart of the Silvretta mountain range, among Alpine three-thousanders and glaciers. Hiking, skiing and sleigh rides are the most popular forms of tourism in this area. The winter season lasts from early December to the first days of May. In summer, the village offers a number of mountain hiking and biking routes, and there is also the possibility of canoeing and rafting. Nowhere is the mountain massif looking as impressive as here. The municipality of Galtür is Tyrol's first spa town, which stays in harmony with nature. Galtür is connected to the Montafon valley in Vorarlberg by the B188 Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße scenic road, which is impassable in winter.

For centuries, nature heavily experienced the inhabitants of Galtür. Some statements say about the endless chain of disasters: avalanches, floods and landslides. One such disaster cannot be forgotten. On 23 February in 1999 the avalanche occurred in here. It took less than 60 seconds to hit Galtür. At 50 metres (160 ft) high and travelling at 290 kilometres per hour (180 mph), this powder avalanche hit with great force, overturning cars, ruining buildings and burying 57 people (31 did not survive). This avalanche was recognized as the worst Alpine avalanche in the last 40 years. After more than 20 years, this tragedy could be used in storytelling, as a warning to the visitors and remembrance for all victims.

Finca Canarias Aloe Vera, Fataga, Gran Canaria, Spain

Finca Canarias Aloe Vera, Fataga

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Aloe plantation in Fataga, Gran Canaria, Spain is a very interesting place. Aloe usually occurs in the Arabian Peninsula, Africa and Madagascar, and here in Gran Canaria we can also find aloe plantations. Aloe is widely recognized in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Large popularization of products with aloe requires interesting presentation in advertising production - film or photography. Finca Canarias Aloe Vera is an interesting film location due to its location, easy access, lots of free space and parking. The plantation itself is not fenced or built-up, its natural background is a beautiful mountain. It it is a very interesting place as a background for the currently fashionable photos of a farmer, an agricultural producer or a plantation expert. There are beautiful, prosperous plants in natural surroundings, growing at perfectly even intervals, well cared for and truly unique.

Wipptal Valley, Tyrol, Austria

Wipptal Valley

Tyrol, Austria

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Wipptal Valley in Tyrol in Austria is a beautiful and diverse region with picturesque valleys and towering peaks of three-thousanders. Snow-covered mountains at any time of the year, and in the valleys of green pastures with blooming flowers and herbs, small cozy towns and villages, modern technologies in harmony with nature and environmental protection, this all adds up to a perfect film location in film production, television advertising and photo sessions. Interesting places meet the requirements of thousands of film and advertising scripts throughout the year in the Wipptal Valley. You will find hiking trails, winding roads, tunnels, high bridges, dark forests, climbing walls, lakes with crystalline water, rapid rivers, small streams, ski or cross-country tracks, toboggan runs, indoor ice rinks, ski jumps, shelters or wooden sheds. Or maybe you're looking for something else? This area certainly has it, and we will match it perfectly to your scenario! This alpine valley in South Tyrol extends from Innsbruck in Austria, along the Sill River, through the Brenner Pass on the height of 1374m, to neighboring Italy. Until 2004, the valley boasted the highest bridge in Europe, Europabrücke, on the A13 motorway. Its elevation above the ground is up to 192m (however, it lost the name of the highest in favor of the Millau Viaduct in France). Why does the Wipptal valley offer everything you want? For a simple reason! Innsbruck is the only city in the world that has hosted the Winter Olympic Games three times. If not for the 2017 referendum in which 53% of the voting inhabitants of the valley voted against, Innsbruck would be given the opportunity to host the 2026 Games for the fourth time. Such a rich Olympic history, gigantic investments in infrastructure and logistics, Austrian precision and respect for environmental protection combined with the beautiful surroundings of Alpine glaciers and three-thousanders have created a unique mix. The Wipptal Valley is a place where nothing is missing both in winter and summer. It is advisable to use it as the local film location in many film or advertising scenarios. There are not any restrictions to do so and the convenience of the entire film crew is irreplaceable.

Finike Marina, Turkey Riviera

Finike Marina

Turkey Riviera

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Turkey attracts many filmmakers with fabulous views and interesting monuments. We can see many Turkish places in interesting films. Most often film locations are chosen in Istanbul, but there are many other regions too. Here are some examples of films, opening a long list of film productions, which scenes were recorded in Turkey: ‘All Inclusive’ is a Russian comedy detective story from 2011 directed by Edouard Radzyukevich. Some of the pictures for the film were made in a typical tourist resort of Belek. The second film about the adventures of British agent James Bond from 1957, ‘From Russia with Love’, starring Sean Connery, and the nineteenth part about the adventures of Her Majesty's Agent, ‘The World is Not Enough’ from 1999 with Pier Brosnan. Then the film adaptation of the novel by John le Carré, ’ Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ directed by Tomas Alfredson ‘Ghost Rider 2’ (2011), ‘Skyfall’ (2012), ‘Taken 2’ (2012), ‘Argo’ (2012) and many more excellent production. The Turkish Riviera is an ideal location for crime, spy or thriller films. The winding roads, steep cliffs, and the beauty of the Mediterranean give the place a unique character and are perfect for shooting pursuit scenes. In addition, you can find picturesque ports such as Finike Setur Marina, popular among sailors, but less visited by traditional tourists looking for 5-star all inclusive hotels. The local economy depends on agriculture, especially the cultivation of oranges and other citrus fruits. Due to the great distance from Antalya, Finike did not experience a large-scale tourist boom. This is because of Turkey's building - land here is more suitable for investment in agriculture than in tourist attractions. The port at Finike is a yacht marina and has a small fishing fleet, and the coast is abundant in marine life. Sea turtles are particularly common here. On the rocky coasts you can find rare Mediterranean seals which are threatened with extinction. The great advantage of the port is its location. While taking photos from concrete platforms as the first foreground, the panorama of the marina in the second foreground is beautifully drawn, complemented by the third plan with high mountains and a picturesque sunset. In terms of logistics, the port offers everything that is necessary in film, television, advertising or photo sessions: high power electricity, an elevator for yachts with a lifting capacity of 80 tons, a gas station, workshops, parking lots and a helipad. In the vicinity of the port there are the most picturesque, winding sections of the D400 road (heading southwest), which can be used in the scenarios for the production of automotive ads, films as well as many other ideas for photo sessions.

Technical Museum in Spayer, Germany

Technical Museum in Spayer

Spayer, Germany

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The film location of the Technical Museum in Spayer due to very interesting exhibits and the way they are displayed to visitors, has found a place in our list. There is an enormous number of aircrafts and exhibition objects related to astronautics. A rarity is the equivalent of the American shuttle Russian Buran glider. The history of bringing him to the museum was a great event. In addition to spacecraft, the museum has in its collection the Antonov 22 aircraft, to date the largest serial turboprop aircraft in the world with a wingspan of 64 m and a length of 58 m. The museum entered history, when in 2003 it acquired the Boeing 747 "Jumbo Jet" Lufthansa, which was placed on huge steel scaffolding. "Jumbo Jet" at the Technical Museum in Spira is still the only aircraft that has been dismantled, delivered to a place outside the airport and put together again. Such exhibits are unique and unheard of. The biggest attraction is their way of displaying, the planes are placed on scaffoldings in a similar arrangement to their real flight. To enable to enter the exhibits there were special ladder stairs and platforms built. Generally, the possibility of visiting these type of machines inside is rare. Not here – in this museum you can enter all the exhibits, take pictures and look into every corner, from the cockpit to the holds. The enormity of the machines and the way they are exposed make an amazing impression. This museum can be a great film set, it gives the opportunity to place the model in the background of the wing of an aircraft or inside the hold or other technical space. The scenery stimulates amazing ideas for advertising photos and more.

Among its collections, the museum also has motorbikes, antique cars, submarines, sea-going ships, trucks, buses, locomotives, steam engines. The cross-section of exhibits is huge - all in one place. The museum has large parking lots and a closed unused airport. This is another advantage of this place, because at the such airport we can carry out interesting film projects. The museum itself participates in many events, conducting rallies on its premises. It is open to new activities. After obtaining permission to place a photo session or film production in this museum, it can be an inexhaustible mine of ideas for photographers and filmmakers - and all in one place.

Cactualdea Park, Gran Canaria, Spain

Cactualdea Park

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Cactualdea Park is the largest cactus park in Europe. Located in La Aldea de San Nicolás Gran Canaria Spain, it will definitely be an interesting place for a film location. The park is located in a pristine area. Cacti from the farthest corners of the world can be found here, and the climate of Gran Canaria enables the proper development of these plants, which can reach about 6 m. Cacti in film or photo production can be an interesting expression of the project. Unlike other parks, prickly vegetation grows in open spaces. The background for cacti are the unique volcanic mountains of Gran Canaria. We will not find disturbing constructions, fences, walls or roofing here that would enter the frame or limit it significantly. It is possible to prepare a film set as it looks in nature. Cacti can be an interesting inspiration for creative activities. The park is owned by private people who are willing to agree to various film or photo production projects. The advantage of the place is its location, you can easily provide film equipment here, a large parking lot provides comfortable facilities. The owners run a restaurant so that it can be used for film purposes or as catering facilities. The park is kept in a natural climate - animals that are found here walk slowly between visitors. Beautiful peacocks complete the atmosphere of the place.

Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort, Corfu, Greece

Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort

Corfu, Greece

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Hotel Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort is the perfect film location for photo sessions, events, as well as television and film production. In a magical location on the outskirts of Agios Gordios there is a four-star terrace resort with 353 rooms, hidden between the rocks, built on a breathtaking rock, surrounded by green landscape and a beach with golden sand and crystal clear water. The whole scenery combined with the leafy hills creates a romantic scenery. The hotel has 5 restaurants, 3 bars in the hotel, 2 outdoor pools (each with a bar) and a beach bar. The entire hotel is kept in a minimalist style. Its location allows you to capture film frames with a picturesque image of the sea and cliffs in the background. The sunlight of the whole object allows you to take pictures from early morning to sunset. The four-star hotel standard at a very high level will satisfy the most demanding stars of show business and celebrities. The hotel fully deserves 5 stars, but its restrictions for disabled people do not allow it to be awarded a fifth star. It is worth noting that the hotel offers its services only for adults (from 16 years old). The atmosphere here is extremely calm and relaxing. On the roof of the hotel there is a bar with a panoramic terrace that opens only in the evening, while during the day it is deserted. From this place there is a unique view of the whole area. Each of the 5 restaurants is designed in a different style and can be used as an additional movie scenery, and due to such a large number of restaurants, turning off one of them for the purposes of photography is not a problem. In addition, the beach bar with an openwork roof creates an interesting shaded scenery. The resort has a rare sandy beach with huge rocks protruding into the labyrinths. We devoted a separate material to the beach itself, which you will find on our website. The area around the hotel gives you additional opportunities to take pictures on pristine cliffs and islets, which are accessible only by boat. You can find here several lagoons with shallow transparent water reminiscent of the exotic scenery of desert islands. These types of places are very rarely found in European countries.

Amphitheatre in Pula, Croatia

Amphitheatre in Pula

Pula, Croatia

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The impressive film location of the Roman Amphitheatre in Pula is one of the three best-preserved amphitheatres next to the Coliseum in Rome and El-Jamm in Tunisia. This is a part of history, which long time ago served a form of bloody entertainment provided by Gladiators. Since 1954, this is where the Pula Film Festival has taken place. Currently, the amphitheatre has 5000 seats. It is known for organizing many concerts and it hosted many famous performers including Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli, Jose Carreras, Anastacia, Eros Ramazotti, Norah Jones, Zucchero, Alanis Morissette, Sinéad O'Connor, Elton John, Sting and Seal. Many ice hockey matches or football matches were also organized in the amphitheatre. It was also used in making film of ‘Titus’ from 1999, directed by Julie Taymor and cast by Anthony Hopkins - Titus Andronikus, Jessica Lange - Tamora, Alan Cumming - Saturnin, Laura Fraser - Lawinia, Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Chiron, Once Degan - Alarbus. This place is unique, since the 2nd century BC, the reign of Octavian August it has been constantly giving a wide range of unlimited possibilities for film, advertising or inventory productions. Despite the fact that the Amphitheatre is located in Croatia, you cannot forget about the Roman climate for a moment. The city's architecture maintained in Italian style exists to this day. Due to such versatility, this location is worth considering.

Anthony Quinn Bay, Rhodes, Greece

Anthony Quinn Bay

Rhodes, Greece

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The old name of the bay (Ladiko-Vagies) was forgotten after the creators of the 1961 war film ‘The Guns of Navarone’ decided to shoot scenes in this place. Anthony Quinn played the reckless role of Andrea Stavros here. The guns were shot in a film from the steep rock closing the creek. The entire coast played the role of a fortress. Anthony Quinn enjoyed great popularity among the locals. To date, you can hear the legends of his many romances. The picturesque bay is located on the east coast of Rhodes. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea. The small bay is very charming. The beach here is rocky and covered with gravel, the water has an unusual turquoise-sapphire color. The creek is surrounded by high rocks, so it's quite chilly here in Rhodes. There is no strong wind here. The view is very exciting. In addition to the film ‘The Guns of Navarone’ the island of Rhodes was also served as a film location for such films as ‘Escape to Athena’ from 1979 (the photos were shot all over Rhodes), the romantic comedy ‘High Season’ with Jacqueline Bisset in the lead role (the film was shot in Lindos and in Lachania), ‘Into the Blue’, a British detective story from 1997 (the action of the film takes place partly on the island of Rhodes and some photos were filmed there) and many others.

Wooden Pier, Egypt, Hurgada, Soma Bay

Wooden Pier

Egypt, Hurgada, Soma Bay

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Film location wooden pier in Soma Bay is the perfect place for a film set in film, television, photo shoot or fashion show. The pier is 500m long and leads in an arc towards a beautiful coral reef. At the end of the pier you can comfortably descend to the deep sea. 50 m before the end of the pier there is an additional convenient descent to shallow water (1.5 m). The surroundings of the colorful reef and the azure shade of the Red Sea completes the truly paradise scenery. On the horizon, high mountains on the opposite shore of the bay with beautiful sunsets look picturesque. Golf carts can be travelled across the pier, making it easier to transport heavier film equipment. In February, the air temperature in the daytime is around 25 °C, and the sea water temperature is around 22 °C, August is the warmest month and the air temperature is from 30 to 35 °C, while the water temperature is over 35 °C. The humidity is very low and rainfall is very rare. Thanks to this, film production or photo session can be carried out in all seasons. In the same place there is a five-star hotel of the American Sheraton Soma Bay chain, which has 326 comfortable rooms where you can accommodate a large film crew. The whole area is very clean and tidy. The biggest advantage of the local movie location is the fact that the city, despite the luxurious offer, is not popular among tourists. Most of the guests staying at the resort come from the Middle East. The organization of the film set allows you to work in peace and quiet without the large crowds that can be found in other more popular cities of Egypt. The underwater life of the Red Sea can be briefly described as beautiful underwater coral gardens and plenty of fish.

Bananas in Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain

Bananas in Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria, Spain

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Bananas are found almost everywhere in Gran Canaria. Banana plantation is an extraordinary film location, taking into account the fact that recently banana leaves, as well as the whole plant, were very popular in photographic and film productions. They even found recognition in industrial design. The banana leaf motif appeared almost everywhere.

The banana plants that grow in Gran Canaria are a variety called the Dwarf Cavendish. Growing them here is completely unprofitable and heavily subsidized by the European Union. These bananas differ in thinner skins, which impedes their transport and at the same time increases its costs. Competitive bananas from Central and South America are not only bigger, but also cheaper. Canary bananas according to the European Union do not meet the requirements, because they do not reach the minimum size set as the standard for this fruit. They are only exported to mainland Spain, where residents can appreciate their quality and better taste. Canary bananas are sweeter, less mealy due to trees ripening three months longer than those from America. They have more nutritional and taste qualities.

Returning to the film location with a banana tree in the background, it is worth emphasizing that the film productions carried out in Gran Canaria allow you to achieve a very exotic experience. They will save time and money compared to the implementation of a similar scenario in Central and South America. There are many banana plantations in Gran Canaria. If we decide to make film production here, we can choose from many locations with backgrounds with interesting continental architecture, a pool with blue water, rocks of different colors, mountains, gorges or a beautiful ocean in the background.

The winding roads, Rhodes, Greece

The winding roads, Rhodes, Greece

Rhodes, Greece

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The winding roads on the island of Rhodes in Greece is the perfect film location for film and advertising production. The large island of Rhodes lies in the Mediterranean near the Turkish border. The location of Rhodes makes the southernmost point - the Prasonisi peninsula - a place where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean Sea. The mountainous landscape dominates here, with the highest peak of Mt. Attavyros 1215 m a.s.l. The island is famous for its beautiful weather and warm sea waters. It is often called the "island of roses" because of the rich green vegetation and flower rugs present in every corner. Winding roads in a mountainous scenery surrounded by nature and the outline of the sea on the horizon. All this can be found on the island of Rhodes. An additional advantage is the wild, sandy and rocky beaches with beautiful summer scenery.

The island has also repeatedly become the backdrop for various films, because its diversity allowed screenwriters to embody their vision. One of these films is the 1961 film, "The Guns of Navarona." Most of the scenes were shot in Great Britain and the United States, but many scenes were also recorded in Rhodes. The second film, entirely shot on the island, was "Escape to Athena" from 1979. The photos were shot all over Rhodes. Another film in turn is also an English production from 1987. This film is the romantic comedy "High Season" with Jacqueline Bisset in the lead role. The film was shot in Lindos and in Lachania. "Into the Blue" is a British detective story from 1997. The action of the film takes place partly on the island of Rhodes and some photos were filmed there.

Private beach, Hotel Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort, Corfu, Greece

Private beach, Hotel Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort

Corfu, Greece

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What distinguishes the Ionian Islands from other places is lush flora, steep cliff coasts and beautiful beaches. A private beach at the foot of the Hotel Mayor La Grotta Verde Grand Resort on the island of Corfu is such example. It is the perfect film location for film, television, advertising and photo shoot production. Golden sand and crystal clear water are hidden between the rocks in the small, cozy town of Agios Gordios. The beautiful bay is nestled among a lush green mountain surrounded by forests of olive trees, vineyards and impressive cliffs. Huge boulders emerge from the sea and spread around the beach creating labyrinthic passages. All this creates a fairytale view. Sunshine allows you to take pictures from early morning to sunset, which is an amazing spectacle of nature. The area offers additional opportunities for taking pictures of pristine cliffs and islets, which are accessible only by boat. You can find here several lagoons with shallow, crystal clear water, reminiscent of the exotic scenery of desert islands. Accommodation of a large film crew is not a problem. The four-star Mayor La Grotta hotel has 353 rooms. The hotel is unique, it is situated on a rocky mountain and has unique conditions to be the location of many scenarios. You can find information about this hotel in another film on our website.

Vineyards in Slovenia

Vineyards in Slovenia


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Slovenia has a very rich wine tradition. During the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it was a significant wine producer. To this day, a 17th-century shrub grows in Maribor, which is still bearing fruit. The land under vines has shrunk considerably and now 25,000 ha of the area are cultivated here. There are three main wine regions in Slovenia. All regions are unique. We focused on the Primorska region to our film location, a region in the western part of the country, along the Adriatic Sea and the Italian border. The conditioning of Slovenia's area by the sea is fantastic despite the fact that Slovenia has only about 47 km access to the Adriatic Sea. The three main cities located on the Adriatic in Slovenia are Piran, Izola and Koper. The uniqueness of these vineyards is special because they are located on the slopes that border the sea. Most of the film or photographic frames can be made so that horizon is drawn to the sea or part of the architectural development located on a promontory strongly entering the Adriatic. Our presentation is just a preview trailer of the vineyard and what we can do on the Adriatic in Slovenia.

Triantafyllopoulos Winery, Kos, Greece

Triantafyllopoulos Winery

Kos, Greece

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In the central part of the beautiful island of Kos in Greece, at the foot of the Dikaios mountain there is a private vineyard producing its wines with passion and love for nature. Its area of ​​12 ares of vineyards and 2500 square meters of the factory creates the perfect film location for film production in film, television, advertising or photo session. The island due to its location provides excellent conditions for growing sensitive grape varieties. Since the ancient times Kos island has been famous for the fertility of the lands and the quantity and best quality of wines produced here. The climate here is Mediterranean with mild winters and warm summers, without excessive heat, mainly due to the sea breeze during the day. The winery is characterized by modern aesthetics with rooted Greek culture. On the ground floor there are the most modern machines and barrels made of stainless steel. In the cellars, on the other hand, wines ripen in high-quality French oak barrels. This is where the wines spend the most important part of their journey in a controlled environment to keep them in optimal conditions. Attention to detail and an obsession with quality are visible at every turn. All this adds up to the authenticity of this place and gives unlimited possibilities to use the entire vineyard and wine factory in many film and advertising scenarios.

Croatian vineyards

Croatian vineyards


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Even though Croatia is a small country, its geographical and climatic diversity has also influenced the growth of more than 200 indigenous grape varieties. Wine producers grow vines throughout Croatia, and the results are incredible. Croatia is famous for its wine production. This sector of the economy is constantly developing. There are 41,000 registered vineyards owners and 1,600 winemakers. Vineyards stretch all over Croatia, both on the coast and inland. The conditions for growing vines are excellent. Wine production in Croatia has a very rich history dating back to Roman times. The current territories of Croatia had always been strongly influenced by Rome and later by Italy, until World War II. This is particularly evident in architecture. Croatian vineyards as film locations are a very interesting solution due to the diversity of soils that occur here. Interesting contrasts of red soil with green vines and the blue sky and crystal clear Adriatic Sea on the horizon are amazing. It is impossible to describe all vineyards here. Film production in Croatia with vineyards in the background is not a big problem. Croatia is still largely undeveloped and remains pristine and undiscovered. Our presentation is only a tiny image of what is hidden in this country.

Hotel Sofitel Grand Sopot, Sopot, Poland

Hotel Sofitel Grand Sopot

Sopot, Poland

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The Sofitel Grand Sopot Hotel was built in 1927. It is a five-star hotel located on the beach, a few steps from the center of Sopot. It has been used in the scenarios of films, advertising and television productions many times. His story, style and luxury is the perfect scenery for photo sessions. It is also a phenomenal place to arrange an event or celebration. The Grand Hotel has 126 rooms and suites captivating with elegance and comfort. Sea views, a beautiful, well-kept garden with a fountain, a private beach and the vicinity of the longest wooden pier in Europe builds the atmosphere of a sea resort. Despite its nearly hundred-year history it still offers a big potential for use in cinematography and advertising. The casino here still attracts guests from the furthest corners of the world. The dark reality of World War II and the Polish People's Republic period did not overshadow the richness and splendor of the hotel. In Polish film productions, the majesty and neo-baroque style of the hotel has always been used in outdoor scenes. The visual function of the building did not contribute much to the plot of the film, but on its basis, viewers could quickly associate the characters' on-screen events with the city of Sopot. This effect was used in the script of the film ‘Reich’ from 2001 directed by Władysław Pasikowski. The transfer of the story from Germany to Poland was signaled to the public by showing the Grand Hotel in an aerial view. The aesthetic value of the object was also used in romantic scenes to emphasize love elation or heart confessions. Such an example can be a Polish film directed by Olaf Lubaszenko ‘Sztos’ where the main character Son (Cezary Pazura) proposes to Beata (Ewa Gawryluk) on the Sopot pier, and in the background the symbol of Sopot, the Grand Hotel, is visible. The location of the film also played a significant role in other Polish films: "Stawka większa niż życie" - directed by Andrzej Konic, Janusz Morgenstern, "Tylko mnie kochaj" by Ryszard Zatorski, " Ile waży koń trojański?" by Juliusz Machulski, and many others. The hotel is a great place for a film location. Its fame, style and timelessness still create inexhaustible fields of taking advantage of the hotel in thousands of scenarios of contemporary and historical films, commercials, TV productions or smaller photo sessions. However, the rich history of the object and its versatility provide many ideas for building an original storytelling.

Olive Groves in Croatia

Olive Groves in Croatia


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Olive oil is a fragrance of history that goes back several thousand years BC. People have used oil since the Paleolithic times. It gives them food, medicine, cosmetics, light, heat and wood. Probably the first domesticated olive trees were in Palestine in the 4th century BC. Olive is used since the beginning of time and there is no need to present it to anyone. Currently, olive groves are cultivated in many southern European countries and beyond. Olive groves have a different history depending on the region and culture. It is impossible to list them all. In Croatia there are some of the oldest olive groves. The phenomenon of these trees is their age - the older the more impressive they are. On the island of Pag in Lun there is an amazing olive grove with 80,000 trees, their average age is 1200 years, the oldest tree is 1600 years old. This is the only grove so preserved to this day, it is located in the Mediterranean. Croatian Olive Groves are great places for film location.

The presentation we have presented above is for reference only. We are able to prepare an offer of the most interesting olive groves for your needs of film productions. They can be olive groves from Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, France, the Balkans, Palestine or Israel.

Hel port, where Poland begins

Hel port, where Poland begins

Hel, Poland

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The unique Hel Peninsula in Poland is an interesting film location for the implementation of many film, television, advertising and photo shoots. Port Hel is located on the furthest peninsula in the Baltic Sea, 36 kilometers from Władysławowo city. Its construction is dated 1882-83. It was built for fishing boats, by the Prussian government. It was renovated and it got its current construction in 1929-33. To this day, it provides shelter for fishing boats and ships. The entrance to the port, from the side of the Bay of Puck, 85 m wide and 8 m deep, is protected by two breakwaters, 560 m and 258 m long. The unique Hel Peninsula in Kashubia region also offers a wide range of sandy beaches, promenades and the Hel Seal Center. Thanks to its location it allows you to select it for many film and advertising scenarios. The entire region, apart from fishing, also offers tourist services. Accommodation for a smaller or a large film crew is not a problem. The close proximity of Sopot, Gdańsk and Gdynia provides additional high-quality hotel facilities of a very high standard.

Costa Dorada, Spain

Costa Dorada

Costa Dorada, Spain

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Costa Dorada stretches between Barcelona and Taragona, on the Mediterranean Sea in Spain. This place is heavily crowded with tourists. Residents are very open and hospitable to visitors. Therefore, the conditions for tourists are impressive. In ports or marinas you can rent various new floating equipment, including water scooters, deep-sea yachts of various lengths, all motor boats, catamarans, ordinary windsurf boards or kayaks - everything we can think of. We chose this place for the movie location mainly because of the wide range and availability of this equipment. Rental prices are really affordable and no special rights are needed. The whole coast will be a fantastic colourful background for film production carried out at sea. This place is perfect for taking photos on the water and opens up endless possibilities for photographers and filmmakers - it all depends on the script. A varied hotel base will accept every film crew, and easy access and reasonable prices encourage to visit this incredible place.

The above presentation is an example and may inspire further action.